(Almost) all my projects

    • go
    • sqlite
    • javascript
    • HTML
    • CSS
    Pantsbase's preview image

    A pocketbase clone made from scratch and with as little dependencies as possible.

    Em Frente
    • dart
    • flutter
    • sqlite
    Em Frente's preview image

    A flutter app to create and maintain habits.

    • nextJs
    • typescript
    • postgreSQL
    • HTML
    • CSS
    Adopet's preview image

    My most complex web project, with auth, lots of CRUDs, chatrooms and more.

    Site Pessoal
    • sveltekit
    • typescript
    • HTML
    • CSS
    Site Pessoal's preview image

    This very own site.

    Sad Tasks Flask
    • python
    • flask
    • postgreSQL
    • HTML
    • CSS
    Sad Tasks Flask's preview image

    A TODO app made with flask and postgres.

    • nextJs
    • typescript
    • HTML
    • tailwind
    • cypress
    BCT-CALC's preview image

    A site with tools to help me in university.

    AoC 23
    • go
    AoC 23's preview image

    My solutions to Advent of Code 2023.

    Svelte Github Search
    • sveltekit
    • typescript
    Svelte Github Search's preview image

    An app that uses the github API to search users.

    Falling Sand
    • go
    • wasm
    Falling Sand's preview image

    Falling sand simulation made with go.

    WS Guessing Game
    • python
    • flask
    • javascript
    • HTML
    • CSS
    WS Guessing Game's preview image

    A guessing game that uses voice as the input.

    Scramble Ghosts
    • go
    • wasm
    Scramble Ghosts's preview image

    A little game made 100% with go.

    • sveltekit
    • typescript
    • rust
    • tauri
    • HTML
    • CSS
    Sadpad's preview image

    Notepad made with tauri and svelte.

    AoC 22
    • go
    • python
    • javascript
    AoC 22's preview image

    My solutions to Advent of Code 2022.

    • sveltekit
    • typescript
    • postgreSQL
    Aluraflix's preview image

    A backend with a complete CRUD accessible through a REST API.